☆ site button!! ☆
link back 2 my site if u want... ^__^
☆ my stats!! >:] ☆

mood: yah thats how i feel 2day lol

☆ chatbox!! ☆
☆ calendar!! ☆
☆ wappydog.neocities.org!! ☆

HELLO THERE!!! welcome 2 wappydog.neocities.org, aka my silly little corner of the internet where i can dump all my chaos into one little site!!! >:]

as well as this site being the main place to put all my chaos on, its also where i can put my crappy coding skills to the test which means this site will probably always be WIP!!! this place stores silly little bits: a little microblog (separate from my tumblr), a dream diary because i have a crappy memory, my art + animations, a page dedicated to my plushies and so so much more!!!
keep in mind this site is still under construction as a whole (some pages still have wappydog v1.0 x__x) so some pages may still be broken at this time!!! >__<< /p>

i hope you like this site, i enjoyed making this o^__^o

☆ before you ask... ☆

will you ever finish this site??
> i don't know. maybe?? maybe not??? i have massive problems with my motivation which means i can go for days without touching this site, other days i'll be sat here at my desk coding non-stop LOL
also, don't mind the constant theme changing. i cannot stick to a theme if my life depended on it >__<

why wappydog??
> wappy dog is the name of a robo-doggy who had its own lil app on the nintendo ds!! when i first created this site i was hyperfixated on wappy dog and i found the name wasn't taken... now here we are!!

can i use X thing from your site??
> if you're on about resources, go ahead!! i have a resource page on the sidenav on the left, feel free to take them!!
as for my code... i'm okay with you copying + pasting snippets (most are on the credits page) as long as you dont steal the whole layout code!! please be considerate on how much work i put into making this site, its like a whole artform for me and stealing someone else's hard work is just. wrong and hurtful!!
if you want something similar to this, i usually use cloverparty's bases and i heavily modify them to fit my taste... his templates are easy to follow imo, check his stuff out!!

☆ sign my guestbook?? ☆
☆ what's on val's mind?? ☆